27-03-2023 [ 12284 ] phleta sela karana hai turanta phayade me 2 bhk 1000 size size khandava roda limbodi srikrsna evenyu maim contact anil sharma eshtet agent all indore praprty sale purchase rental jawahar marg indore wno 9826019401 8770075104
27-03-2023 [ 13176 ] highway pr 15 2 size jamin chahiye direct ho to he bat kare
27-03-2023 [ 12259 ] mene roda se taca kamarsiyala plota kharidana hu to colle me plota size all sizes available 9644437649
27-03-2023 [ 11944 ] county walk sector ab c mai plot kharidna haikapil agrawal 9425314676
27-03-2023 [ 12258 ] imperial royal city ujjain road indore price price size normal 2800 / ews 2800 / lig 2800 / semi commercial 3000 / note 9 mtr road ke sabhi plot commercial 3500 / additional charges price size garden facing 100 / corner 100 / corner garden 100 / mpeb development 75 / registry as price govt norms booking condition down payment 30 % with 24 emi 0 % down payment 40 % with 36 emi 0 % down payment 50 % balance 50 % bank loan naina verma 9993831651
27-03-2023 [ 13018 ] prime location on road touch plot village of malvani church malad west master g compound plot area 22000 size plot is nd zone on this zone you can sell chawl and commercial shop plot cts no 2037 owner is asking for price price size price 3500 and total cost of plot 7 cr 70 lk that is not negotiable price plot title is clear no of meeting without interest letter the aaraf construction rera no a 5180008663 deal side by side
27-03-2023 [ 12257 ] kamarsiyala plota kharidana hai re 2 vistara ke pasa baipasa plota size 8001000 sqft dipak homes 9039038938