big pharmaceutical company for sale
in mumbai maharashtra land area 75320 size ft total factory area 160000 size ft approximate
income 100 cr price year product portfoliothe factory at this stage only deals with the production of the follow
ing class of medic
ine however if required the owner will
install other l
ines as well as which will be additional to the ask
ing price production details•general
injectablesliquid vialsliquid ampoules •lyophilized
injectable •eye and ear drops current rated products capacitycurrent capacity of the product is as follows •liquid
injectables vials 72 crores/ year •lyophilized
injectablesvials 28 crores/year •
inj ampoules 72 crores/year •eye and ear drops 4 crore/year
in addition to manufactur
ing its own products the factory also has contracts with many top companies
in india covid response the factory is currently
in manufactur
ing of
injections required for black and white fungus important features •manufactur
ing and hold
ing tank vials 2000 l each capacity •manufactur
ing and hold
ing tank ampoules and eye/ear drops 1000 l each •bugs processor autoclave and term
inal steriliser double door with
interlock facility •
integrated l
ine from wash
ing till f
inal pack
ing •vial and ampoule auto
inspection mach
ine •auto land
ing and upload
ing and unload
ing system
in lyophilizer to accommodate 69000 vials
in one go •state of the art quality control systems
in place for both micro as well as general manufactur
ing •ask
ing price 700 crores
ing pharmaceutical company for sale
in vapi gujarat plot aera 3718 sqmit construction area 27000 size ft tablet capsule syrup and o
intment mfg company no liability etp systems
in place price 30 cr negotiable
pharma company sale total 2 units unit 1 9 acers statetelangana dist yadadri bhuvanagiri unit 2 6 acersandhra pradesh dist ist godavari usfda aproved company actuvally its 300 some exist
ing bank loan 50 approved 26 used and 24 still to be utilised and work
ing capital price 400 crnegotiable
22 ° 56200 n 75 ° 52449 e https//googl/maps/emyhi 8 os 7 fvgbjzq 6 phayade ki dila arjenta becana he 21 size jam
ina ma
ina ksipra sanvera roda para reta 150 cr para size 500 phita ka phranta he samaya sima 6 maha ujja
ina roda se matra 5 km a b roda se 10 km dayarekta dila valo ko prathamikata true way real estate 9826321165
college for sale
in mumbai maharashtra owner trust 1 area 22665 square feet 2 construction area 120000 square feet area 3 module bg 9 floors 4 park
ing car lift
ing 5 open park
ing m
inimum 50 cars 6 big basement halls for sem
inars 7 lift 4 lifts 8 price floor 11500 square feet area 9 total students 2000 10 uses only 5 floors us
ing now 11 ground 2 play ground lease deed 12 construction year 2007 13 11800000 grand
income annually 14 streams a english state board school b commerce college c m b a college 15 valuation before 7 years govt value 185 cr 16 demand 180 cr ii dadar school and college iiisayan 4000 square feet office on ma
in road note dadar and sayan property will be extra benifits this valuation and demand not
included dadar and sayan it will be extra benefits
ing with runn
ing college setup location pune district state maharashtra land 4335 acres collector na construction 215000 size department mechanical eng
ing electrical electronics computer this degree course next polytechnic also has a course as above hostel mess lab library facilities runn
ing s
ince 2012 have taken cbse permission from 1 st to 10 th price 70 cr negotiable
prime location college for sale 285 acer land parcel
ing 5 lacs size ft construction of build
ing used for eng
ing mba polytechnic b pharmacy d pharmacy and 1 to 10 cbse pattern school available on pune benglore highway 15 km frontage alongside highway distance from pune 80 kms and from satara 10 kms market valuation price 212 crore ask
ing price price 150 cr negotiable
available eng
ing collage for sell at pune maharashtra area 780 acre price 32 cr
best deal prealease property for sale pune maharashtra 15 acre land pune shed area 395229 size size height 45 size
industrial warehouse floor strength 5 tonn price size miter section plan pmrda pune power connection 140 kva monthly rent 5536610 / equal escalation every year 5 % lock
in 3 yers lease agreement 9 years security deposit 30722091 / equal 307 cr rent start date 1112022 tenant best electric company clear title sale price 110 cr
prealease propertyfor sale midc andheri mumbai total usable carpet 64000 size price 131 cr plot size 1530 sqmt floor basementground 8 floor car park 60 ma
intenance and tax rs 99000 / monthly tenant prime focus technology rent receivable rs 10300000 / monthly 103 crore monthly agreement period 5 4 years agreement start date
LODE MORE 100251 To 100260