paliya ma
in road plot for sale rudraksa homsa plota nam 95 price 2650 / 75 / size 1545 equal 675 cont for
information tarun gaikwad 8602672446
marve https//mapsappgoogl/evebfbqmyrb 4 pndu 6 prime location land available for sale
in mumbai land location marve village mumbai 400095 at famous tourist place madh island this land is mixed use property which can be used for commercial and residential purpose you can also develop a township or your own
independent city on this land it can be used for 5 and 7 hotels and resorts restaurants pubs bars spa hotel with cas
ino studio apartments residential societies etc land area 755 acre market value 20000 cr sell
ing price 15000 cr negotiable direct beach touch land good runn
ing hotels and resorts are already there nearby clear title no dispute rights own with mandate documents all clear documents will be shown
in the meet
ing only we can provide u below listed of documents of property 1 google location 2 dp remark 3 plot map 4 zone certificate 5 7 / 12 or property card 6 na certificate 7 soil certificate 8 tax receipt 2020 site visit will be with buyer or any mandate or authorised person of buyer if any buyer or builder is
interested then we need for meet
ing with seller 1 st his / her profile 2 nd fund proof regards
jay sati mata size 1650 ujja
ina roda para sanskrti smarta siti mem 134 nambara plota arjenta sela karana hai price a raha hai 6000 skvayara phita pementa phasta cahie
file pyramid
inity sector 70 1 bhk 370 size affordable hous
ing 80 % paid under construction good appreciation east fac
ing entry ma
in road project no other project com
in near future on this location demand 22 lacs total negotiable only for genu
ine buyer call 9654646345
2000 ft godown kirae se dena hai palda ma
in with electricity 9907272874
5000 sqft godown kirae pr chahiye kanadia road pe bengali square se golf l
ink tak kisike pass ho to batae party ko urgent he 9981126661
khandwa road price meer state 2 mai plot sale kar na hai size 2040 plot no 21 priyansu ja
ina 9412653652 whatsa 8 txt display
ing whatsapp chat with rajesa sahu praeparti 8 txt
1800 size ft plot sale puramartha bilsa koloni
indaura baipasa sulakheri ekaropolisa koleja ke pasa phulli kavarda kaimpasa koloni sabhi paramisana kampalita saiza 30 x 60 equal 1800 vargaphita vesta phes
inga plota 9 mitara roda price 3851 / size phita dayarekta plota malika mit
inga https//mapsappgoogl/xbgq 5 fjbbvwjhwqu 6
khandwa road price meer state 2 mai plot sale kar na hai size 2040 plot no 21 priyansu ja
ina 9412653652
1800 size ft plot sale puramartha bilsa koloni
indaura baipasa sulakheri ekaropolisa koleja ke pasa phulli kavarda kaimpasa koloni sabhi paramisana kampalita saiza 30 x 60 equal 1800 vargaphita vesta phes
inga plota 9 mitara roda price 3851 / size phita dayarekta plota malika mit
inga https//mapsappgoogl/xbgq 5 fjbbvwjhwqu 6
LODE MORE 91711 To 91720