3 bhk flat for rent only for family near greater kailash hospital old palasia 30000 rent 21 even flat for sale too 11 cr demand 2 nd floor car park
ing 1550 size contact for more details hr realty yuvraj 9174207420 9174208420
plota becana
indaura bcm tarana
indore ujja
in road roda para 9926576452
funds available for private f
inance for any companies
in any sector for nonperform
ing asset hav
ing deep root
in f
inance we are look
ing forward for follow
ing deals npa accounts npa case fund
ing npa loan settlement npa account takeover npa retrieval npa recovery npa structur
ing npa solutions stress account/loan aga
inst property with bad cibil score builder f
inance private equity loan for npa accounts big corporate fund
ing m
inimum ticket size 30 cr note your details are kept strictly confidential as price our privacy policy bus
iness associates are welcome _private fund
ing procedure_ m
in ticket size 25 cr to no limit disbursement with
in 15 to 20 days once approved documents required property collateral details for private company govt work order/ govt paid projects evaluation equal to the value required by client annual turnover 3 yrs itr 6 months bank statement pan card / aadhar card of the owner or sign
ing authority utilization of funds report project feasibility report both soft and hard copy required one 2 one meet
ings will be
in delhi private fund
ing tickets sizers 50 cr to 2000 cr fund
ing hospital commercial project bilder project hotel school medical collage univercity tenure 6 yrs to 8 yrs max 10 yrs ltv/of loan aga
inst property value 50 / process
ing time 20 work
ing days all over
india fund
ing regards bhanu s
ingh 919311974843
to let 1 bhk new flat 556 size lift park
ing moduler kitchenlat labham residency rent rs 8000 / 2 deposite available from 01 / 05 / 2023 contact subh propertymob 7977105093
arjenta bangala becana hai 3050 equal 1500 size bangala hai price 210 cr royala bangalo ba
inka mem sija hai yadi kisi ke pasa kastamara ho to samparka kare arjenta phaiktri becana hai 12000 size price 112 cr candana nagara ke pasa ba
inka mem sija hai yadi kisi ke pasa kastamara ho to samparka kare
available onsale plot of 400040004500 sqft at land lord colony nepania 4000 / for all but
individual for corner 4500 / call 9826025404 mahesh dholi maheshwari
[ 4 / 25 1029 jsm group old builtup builder floor on sale
in dlf phase 2 prime location just 7 m
in away from sikander pur metro and mg road 3 bhk with attached toilet and balconies top with terrace 316 size yards fully renovated with modern amenities east fac
ing ask
ing 225 cr call 9654823604 for more
information [ 4 / 25 1515 jsm group available on rent
in prime location of dlf phase 2 basement and ground 4 bhk with attached toilet and balconies 400 size yards fully renovated with modern amenities ask
ing 170 lac call 9654823604 for more
arjenta bangala becana hai 3050 equal 1500 size bangala hai price 210 cr royala bangalo ba
inka mem sija hai yadi kisi ke pasa kastamara ho to samparka kare arjenta phaiktri becana hai 12000 size price 112 cr candana nagara ke pasa ba
inka mem sija hai yadi kisi ke pasa kastamara ho to samparka kare 7000102525
1 bhk retirement
independence bed and wardrobe ground floor urgent shift
ing 8358008133
available on rent
indore ujja
in highway 08 shops with an open terrace campus property ample park
ing space garden founta
in and more contact for more
information manish mangal 9926062221
LODE MORE 107491 To 107500