dear sir greet
ings we at vaayu believe
in constant
innovation and promote products that are green
in nature and are cost effective we are the manufacturers of a unique aircool
ing system patented by the name vaayu a hybrid cool
ing technology popularly named as compressor chillers vaayu air cool
ing technology vaayu is a patented hybrid chiller which comb
ines the technology of air conditioners and coolers to give high cool
ing efficiency like air conditioners but at the runn
ing cost of air coolers vaayu hybrid chillers deliver a temperature of 24 to 26 degree celsius when the ambient temperature is 30 to 42 degree celsius or even more the power consumption of the mach
ine is only 250 watts/ hour as compared to 2500 watts / hour of an air conditioner hence with vaayu technology the power consumption sav
ing is almost 8085 % as compared to a similar tonnage ac benefits of us
ing vaayu hybrid chillers 1 reduces power consumption up to 85 % as compared to similar tonnage ac 2 does not emit heat
in the environment 3 reduces water consumption as compared to air coolers 4 provides
instant cool
ing dur
ing high ambient temperatures 5 healthy solution as it
induces fresh air
in the room 6 reduces high ma
intenance cost of ac application our products could be
installed for commercial as well as domestic purposes while on erection as well as
in erected premises like factories hotels banquet bungalows mess restaurants etc awards and recognitions skoch gold awards for best sme of
india and order of merit 2016 award from department of science and technology govt of
india and iit delhi as top 10
innovations of
india mega launchpad award zee bus
iness national awards for best emerg
ing bus
iness trends awarded superbrand by superstartup top 100
innovations from 1947 to 2016 showcased at chhatrapati shivaji museum mumbai best startup award by fmpcci women
in bus
iness award by
indo global msme chamber central m
inistry zee regional award for emerg
ing bus
iness best startup 2018 excellence
in innovative cool
ing concept by my fm top 100 sme of
india award 2018 by msme top bus
iness woman award
in tech by bus
iness world 2019 i rise bus
iness woman of the year 2019 by times of
india enterpris
ing women of the year 2019 by msme govt of
india w
inner of woman transform
india award 2020 by niti aayog goi lead startup
interacted with prime m
inister of
india shri modi ji 2022 vaayu publications yourstory https//yourstorycom/ 2016 / 03 /vaayuhybridchiller/ dailyhunt http//mdailyhunt
india/english/yourstoryepaperyourstory the better
india http//wwwthebetter
indiacom/ 52984 /vaayuhybridchillerscoolerairconditioner
india women blog http//www
inesscumlovestory/ the weekend leader http//wwwtheweekendleadercom/
innovation/ 2536 /cool
ingeffecthtml corporate citizencover story http//corporatecitizen
in/v 3 issue 3 /coverstoryloveis
intheairhtml editplatter https//wwweditplattercom/
indiaspowercouplemadeworldsefficientac/ techstory http//techstory
in/powerfultechcouples/ techpluto http//wwwtechplutocom/vaayuan
indiasfirsthybridandpowerefficientairconditioners/ vaayu youtube l
inks vaayu technology https//youtube/caabig 5 edak 2 ton video https//wwwyoutubecom/watchv equal y 2 efalp 2 g 2 k 6 ton videohttps//wwwyoutubecom/watchv equal axtosfjpjya vaayu 10 ton video https//youtube/ 4 ykbf 9 lziyc vaayu covid hospitals video https//youtube/rtxhi 0 gjlsq green tv video https//wwwyoutubecom/watchv equal 8 gm 85 pf 9 dx 4 customer testimonial https//wwwyoutubecom/watchv equal q_j_l 2 k 4 ygy vaayu commercial https//wwwyoutubecom/watchv equal 7 gv 3 lwdv 8 uu rungla punjab video https//wwwyoutubecom/watchv equal qkzcyw 95 bio st paul video https//wwwyoutubecom/watchv equal asfkdocvnq 0
indengg expo 2021 https//youtube/plbc 1 pyg 8 we thank you for your
interest shown
in vaayu the next age revolution
in green cool
ing solution