i am the owner of following property 1 space available for rent location sector 61 / 62 dividing road gurgaon haryana showroom/shop for rent area 100 size to 10000 size for shop/showroom cafe/ restaurant/godown/workshop/ 2 land available for rent location gwal pahari main gurgaon faridabad road gurgaon note commission will also be given to the dealer for more details contact rishiraj 9818776370
urgent for rent approx 300 to 400 size shop required for cafe restaurant budget 2535000 location vijay ngr mahalaxmi ngr to nipania aera or near by urgent lena hai contact 9752940775 7999626225
arjenta hotala becana hai 1905 size g 3 21 room and 2 lift parking price 425 cr bari bhamori mena rora yadi kisi ke pasa parti hai to vijita kara sakate hai https//mapsappgoogl/zrlpcpsnjgzmd 7 u 46