Indore Property Rent Sell Purchase
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23-05-24    [ 76112 ] CallW
available petrol pump sale bhiwandi arjanali mumbai nashik highway in bank auction bank auction land and structure hp petrol pump hotelgarageresidential block atm space etcat survey no 16 / 2 / 3 part survey no 16 / 2 / 2 and new survey no 91 at vill arjanali mumbai nashik highway near padgha toll naka padgha bhiwandi area plot area 16140 sqmtrs structure 4175 sqftbuiltup reserve price rs 85500000 / auction date 29052024 contact shailesh pawar 8830663453 independent consultant for bank auction properties remark as price 7 / 12 extract available below mentioned area were acquired by the various authorities national highway iii 2300 sqmt reliance gas transportation infrastructure pvt 340 sqmtrs


23-05-24    [ 72990 ] CallW
makana becana hai skima nambara 54 mem uttara purva mukhi kornara 2700 size feet para bana hua vyavasthita makana becana hai dimanda 17000 / size feet 85 % white mem cahie


23-05-24    [ 85286 ] CallW
sindhi kaimpa pe 200 gaja jamina hai bikau rajistri ki jamina hai kliyara jamina hai saba kucha janca kare usake bada phainala bata kare 30 phita roda kornara ki jamina hai dimanda 2 cr samparka kare


23-05-24    [ 72994 ] CallW
basant vihar plot near bombay hospital sector c length 15 meter x 750 meter total 1211 feet x 2 plots west facing totat area 2422 size feet


23-05-24    [ 75243 ] CallW
big agriculture lands available in all parts of madhya pradesh 1000 arce to 3000 arce for more details please dm message we directly 9755593472


23-05-24    [ 87337 ] CallW
baicana hai rau pithamapura bayapasa ki dhl golda siti pheja 1 mem mainaroda phesinga 1000 size ka plota rau pithamapura bayapasa para iim ke pasa laindamarka grina mem 1645 ka ista phesinga plota kanupriya nagara rau mem 1500 size ka northa phesinga plota adhika janakari ke liye samparka karem 9993003583


23-05-24    [ 87338 ] CallW
mahalaksmi nagara mr 6 para ilaita apaiksa bildinga vale caurahe ke pasa 1000 size ka kamarsiyala plota baicana hai


23-05-24    [ 87339 ] CallW
rilayansa hospitala ke samane skima nambara 134 ke c sektara mem 680 va 600 size ka plota baicana hai


23-05-24    [ 87340 ] CallW
gulaba baga koloni mem 1500 size ka plota baicana hai


23-05-24    [ 102505 ] CallW
urgent plot sell krna h sanskar city vill junarda puvarda near paliya station plot size 2040 equal 800 sqf east facing price 2000 price sqf current price vaha 3000 se 4200 tk h contact 9685335646
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