7 size jamina becana he grama umariya d_mart mhow ke pasa mem jamina becana he samartha parka se lagi hui jamina he rau sarkila se 4 km para jamina ayegi avasa ki jamina he jamina para jane ke do raste he contact me for details er abhishek singh thakur ️ 7987963115 working area raumahupithamapuramanapura
grama pigadambara mem avasa ki supara lokesana para jamina becana hai 3 size zamina dena hai pigadambara ke simenteda roda para 650 phita ka phranta hai zamina ka l ab roda se 500 m ki duri medikepsa koleja ke pasa mem ayegi zamina zamina ke asa pasa kolonaijesana ho cuka haim aura asa pasa primiyama basavata he investamenta va anya kisi projekta ke lie bahuta hi acchi lokesana hai price 3 cr para size dimanda hai phainala price baithaka para disaida hoga samaya sima 46 mahine ki he dm for further details er abhishek singh thakur ️ 7987963115 working area raumahumanapura pithamapura belta [indaura
urgent requirment hai party confirm hai indore betma road par road se lagi hui jamin chahiye 15 size ke aas paas budget chal jayega kisi ke paas ho to btao
plot available for sale / purchase / dlf garden city_ 2 ab omaxe city 1 omaxe city 2 pumarth park bypass silver park 1 sai gold city singapore gold city 1 infocity arandiya pumarth park country walk oasis country walk empire metro vistara city victoria city amrit palace nipaniya goyal avenue and dhanlaxmi nipaniya parshwnath mangliya exotica hood ab road ruchi lifescapes california kanadiya goyal green mr 11 sky luxury green sky city omaxe commercial residential semi commercial very best location in plot and colony for very good investment turanta hi plota becana kharidana saman property 7697356122
plot available for sale / purchase / dlf garden city_ 2 ab omaxe city 1 omaxe city 2 pumarth park bypass silver park 1 sai gold city singapore gold city 1 infocity arandiya pumarth park country walk oasis country walk empire metro vistara city victoria city amrit palace nipaniya goyal avenue and dhanlaxmi nipaniya parshwnath mangliya exotica hood ab road ruchi lifescapes california kanadiya goyal green mr 11 sky luxury green sky city omaxe commercial residential semi commercial very best location in plot and colony for very good investment turanta hi plota becana kharidana saman property 7697356122
https//chatwhatsappcom/cocrvt 8 j 9 qn 1 cltto 7 fany plot for sale sanjivani panod near dlf garden city sqft_ 1500 rate_ 2400 _ 2500 _ 2600 very best location in plot and very good investment 7697356122