Bhopal Indore Property Rent Sell Purchase
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04-08-24    [ 108686 ] CallW
mandate deal sale for running medical college and hospital in bhopal madhya pradesh transfer for trust to trust market value price 2500 cr now the selling price 1250 cr fix trustee total 6 e k hi parvar ke log hai selling mandate available land area 92 acres in trust builtup area 19898924 square metre freehold property 13 college in trust 7200 students 2000 residential family and students 1200 beded hospital etc management mba bbabcommcom engineering m techbtechdiploma engg hotel management bsc pgdiploma life sciences bscmsc pharmacy dpharmampharmabpharma medical science mbbsmdms msc dental science bdsmds diploma nursing mscbscpast basicbscgnm law llm phd life sciences medical sciences dental science pharmacy managementlaw nursingart commerce science basic scienceenggscience % white payment noteside by side ️ 7415542558


04-08-24    [ 108785 ] CallW
mandate deal sale for running medical college and hospital in bhopal madhya pradesh transfer for trust to trust market value price 2500 cr now the selling price 1250 cr fix trustee total 6 e k hi parvar ke log hai selling mandate available land area 92 acres in trust builtup area 19898924 square metre freehold property 13 college in trust 7200 students 2000 residential family and students 1200 beded hospital etc management mba bbabcommcom engineering m techbtechdiploma engg hotel management bsc pgdiploma life sciences bscmsc pharmacy dpharmampharmabpharma medical science mbbsmdms msc dental science bdsmds diploma nursing mscbscpast basicbscgnm law llm phd life sciences medical sciences dental science pharmacy managementlaw nursingart commerce science basic scienceenggscience % white payment noteside by side ️ 7415542558


03-08-24    [ 109408 ] CallW
becana hai kornara plota plot for sale size 2400 sqft corner east and north rajved near chandra homes kolar road bhopal best for investmen and after purchasing a plot you can build two houses on it and sell it if have anyone direct purchaser or buyers than _contact / chat personal_ sweet home consultant 9981966953


03-08-24    [ 114502 ] CallW
sonakac puspagiri se 1 kilomitara ki duri para tina size jamina becana hai indaura bhopala haive taca price 70 lakhs price size call 8871199603


01-08-24    [ 108271 ] CallW
for rent dakacya bhopala indaura marga para 12000 size feet jagaha kirae para dena hai bana hua 10900 size feet


01-08-24    [ 112779 ] CallW
big agriculture lands land 450 arce tehsil rehaji district sehore asta 855 lakhs price arce 65 mins from bhopal airport main road ️ touch bhumi 450 ekara upalabdha haim 855 lakha prati ekara tahasila rehati jila sihora asta contact 9755593472


30-07-24    [ 113016 ] CallW
sonakaccha se 10 kilo mitara indaura bhopala haive 160 _ 170 phita phranta 25 ekara kisana ki jamina hai 140 ki dimanda hai 9826908049


30-07-24    [ 112553 ] CallW
sell karna hai 100 100 equal 10000 size corner plot prime location prastavit 8 lane road se laga hua main road ka plot price 12000 /sqft near peoples hospital bhanpur bhopal contact no 7415118565


29-07-24    [ 109114 ] CallW
mandate deal sale for running medical college and hospital in bhopal madhya pradesh transfer for trust to trust market value price 2500 cr now the selling price 1250 cr fix trustee total 6 e k hi parvar ke log hai selling mandate available land area 92 acres in trust builtup area 19898924 square metre freehold property 13 college in trust 71000 students 2000 residential family and students 1200 beded hospital etc management mba bbabcommcom engineering m techbtechdiploma engg hotel management bsc pgdiploma life sciences bscmsc pharmacy dpharmampharmabpharma medical science mbbsmdms msc dental science bdsmds diploma nursing mscbscpast basicbscgnm law llm phd life sciences medical sciences dental science pharmacy managementlaw nursingart commerce science basic scienceenggscience % white payment noteside by side ️ 7415542558


29-07-24    [ 109102 ] CallW
mandate deal sale for running medical college and hospital in bhopal madhya pradesh transfer for trust to trust market value price 2500 cr now the selling price 1250 cr fix trustee total 6 e k hi parvar ke log hai selling mandate available land area 92 acres in trust builtup area 19898924 square metre freehold property 13 college in trust 71000 students 2000 residential family and students 1200 beded hospital etc management mba bbabcommcom engineering m techbtechdiploma engg hotel management bsc pgdiploma life sciences bscmsc pharmacy dpharmampharmabpharma medical science mbbsmdms msc dental science bdsmds diploma nursing mscbscpast basicbscgnm law llm phd life sciences medical sciences dental science pharmacy managementlaw nursingart commerce science basic scienceenggscience % white payment noteside by side ️ 7415542558
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