resom dila mem koloni ki jam
ina lena hai ujja
ina roda pe ho ya rau se pithamapura roda sagarakuti kalibilloda se betama ke asapasa ki lokesana mem 20 se 25 size ke lagabhaga tnc vali avasa ki jam
ina hi resom dila mem lena hai nota jam
ina mem kisi prakara ki koi akvn ya sarakari iskima nahim hona cahie mere pasa levala parti hai krpa kara jam
ina ki puri ditela lokesana prasnala vhatsaepa para senda kare ya kola kare _____________________ empayara viktri mem purva mukhi plota turanta kharidana hai plota malika samparka kare kola kare kharidana hai turanta _____________________ proparti kharidane becane kirae se lene dene hetu aura nyu projekta ki market
inga hetu samparka karem sri mittala proparti brokara asisa mittala 919329794969
for sale sapana sangita roda se andara ki topa lokesana ka semikamarsiyala purana makana parti isamem m
ini mola hostala ya soruma bana sakati hai 40 x 80 equal 3200 phita ka purana makana turanta becana hai jobhi parti makana legi semikamarsiyala ki paramisana use svayama kharidadara ko leni hogi dila brokara ke madhyama se hai pavana dhama mem 1500 phita plota becana hai empayara heriteja mem 1812 phita ka plota becana hai krpaya gugala lokesana photo vidiyo nahim di jaegi vhatsaepa para kama ki ceta hi kare mobaila pe kola kare bata jarura kare dhanyavada nyu projekta ki market
inga hetu samparka karem equal equal equal equal equal equal equal equal equal equal equal equal equal equal equal equal equal proparti kharidane becane kirae se lene dene hetu samparka kare sri mittala proparti brokara asisa mittala 919329794969
call/whatssap 91 79750 01812 all types of big deals pan
india and
international 1 buy/sale of all types of big real estate deals factories
industrieshotelsmallsit parketc 2 buy/sale of plots/landsjv/jd deals 3 loan/fund
ing from banknbfcprivate f
interest basis and equity fund
ing 4 buy/sale of goldall types of precious stones such rubytopazdiamondsetc 5 rbi file clearance 6 buy/sale of rprmsmarticles 7 all types of importexport deals 8 buy/sale of bitco
in and all types of cryptocurrency 9 buy/sale of all types of scraps 10 all types of bank
instruments lcsblcbgpofetc 11 trad
ing all types of trad
ing land trad
ingskrscrbonds lcsblcbgetc all types of trad
ing 12 senderreceiver all types trust ngokycnkyc tpf etc 13 currency exchange if you have any big deals plz share with us at call/whatssap 91 7975001812
kalavara roda jedie skimad
inadayala nagara mem 90 mitara 162 mitara plota upalabdha vana taima lija ke satha phora mora
informationpl kontaikta ke ke pad̔ihara 9351342146
tirumala tauna mem vana biecake phlaita sela karana hai supara kari dora se matra 2 m
inata duri haya l
inka pharsta koloni ke pasa mem 100 phita roda apruvda phlaita becana hai 2450 lakh 685 size size 2 nd floor a block new build
[ 20 / 05 835 am balraj batra 350 acres alphonso mango farm mango pulp factory sale
in deogad s
indhudurg district maharashtra _export quality alphonso mango_ ️total area 350 acres ️ 170 acres 9000 mango trees 18 yrs old • 65 acres 6000 trees 16 yrs old • 100 acres open land • 15 acres factory shed its a title clear property all documents are clear
in factory very advanced mach
inary ️cold storage ️factory compus of 15 acres ️electricity available ️farm
internal roads ️water river only 2 km from mango farm ️all farm drip irrigation advanced system ️ 3 water wells and 5 bore wells ️whole wall compound of farm ️full security ️rest houses for labour ️canteen for office staff and labours ️ 1 bhk ac bungalow
in farm house ️ 1 fertiliser godown ️ 1 office build
ing ️ 18 ryp
ing chembers ️have a
indias big clients for mango pulp ️today property valuation is price 200 cr ️sea 19 km from farm • railway station only 19 km price price 66 cr _negotiable_ [ 20 / 05 838 am balraj batra c 01581405 5 star hotel for sale ggn ️ 5 star hotel for sale by hotel gurugram built up area 274000 size total rooms 196 restaurants 2 banquette 4 deluxe room 126 executive club rooms 66 courtyard suites 6 meet
ing roomshold
ing capacity 436 people barspa gym children pool hotel turnover 50 60 cr yearly location courtyard by marriot downtown shushant lok 1 gurugram demand 550 cr contact only geniune buyer no cha
in accepted
️medical college for sale ️ location uttarakhand course mbbs bnys gnm bed bscnurs
ing pharmacy polytechnic bpt dpt mbama bba msc biotechnology bca msc microbiology bsc it msc chemistry bsc biotech mba bpt btech bsc agriculture bed hnb bsc forestry bed sds msc it bams note application for start
ing gnm/bsc nurs
ing submitted state
inspection cond runn
ing university well ma
ined demand 1200 cr dreams comes true god gift 9478559332 all over
india big propertys only b s b
c 12051702 rzone land available for sale ncr delhi gurgaon haryana ️ sector 95 b 102 acres with license without license full cheque circle cheque ️ for township 35 acres deendayal demand 12 cr on circle without license 1450 cr with license 1550 cr full white without license 1750 cr with license plz call with loi plz call with direct party no brokers cha
in excepted plz call s
ingle broker party with loi only b s b properties group 9478559332
old liveable kothi for sale
in punjabi bagh west size 1100 yards south fac
ing liveable kothi beautiful work
inside well ma
ined home beautiful big lawn personal drive way top most location top premium road most wanted location net demand 65 cr direct deal for any enquiries call us aur whats app us b s b properties group balraaj batra 9478559332
5000 acres land 4500 cr market value no litigation on property now palace hotel ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ spread over around 5000 acres land ️ one of best
investment rajasthan opportunities for hotels demand 1600 cr
LODE MORE 104541 To 104550