prime property for sale dukana/godama/phaiktri/pg/phlaitsa/aspatala/mega stora/ple skula/restorenta/hotala/soruma adi ke lie uttama kariba 900 gaza sahabada daulatapura dilli 42 mena bavana rodabasa sta
inda para 4 bare godama/phaiktri aura cara bari dukanem bani hui hai khula spesa traka jane ke lie roh
ini sektara 17 and 26 kariba 500 mitara bagala mem hai visala haitsa pg tvs scooter showroom baniye ki dukana mega stora vikrama dharmakanta dukanom ki pramukha marketa lala dora pakki rajistri parivara ka pusta
ini plota najadiki koleja dilli teknoloji yunivarsiti dtu 400 m bhagavana parasurama
instityuta opha teknolojibpit 15 km sahida sukhadeva koleja du 2 km najadiki metro stesana samayapura badali 25 km rithala 4 km dimanda 125 lakha price prati gaza phona 9478559332
indias biggest cement factory for sale karnataka direct contact daily production 15000 ton monthly
income 500 crs call tottal land 10000 acres factory land area 800 acres raw materials area 9200 acres sale relations seller aged person totay latest updates factory sale prices 10000 crs seller meet
ing bangalore or delhi there is no loan
in the bank accord
ing to current facts the cement plant is a good source of
income it would be nice to have someone who is
interested first and foremost a letter giver and a buyer you can give a letter of
interest and then a welcome letter and a letter of permission to look around the factorynext we will arrange a meet
ing with the seller at any one of the two locations
in karnataka or delhi this cement factory can easily give a meet
ing to the seller to complete the basic details of cement factry
in karnataka location bengalore karnataka total area 10000 acres no of labours 2500 employees no vehicles 600 nos mach
ineries equal automatic german make 1 the plant was started
in the year 2004 2005 2 out put price day 9000 tons annually it reaches 4 million metric tons 3 cl
inkerisation is 4 million metric tons 4 proposal to enhance the capacity up to 6 million metric tons 20000 tns/day and become a biggest cement factory
in india 5 there are so many salient features i other facilities 1 railway station 2 school 3 eng
ing college 4 hospital etc are available to the near by places at this factory ii tecnology and strength a it is tak
ing care of establish
ing 4 ms man mach
inery material and money power to put at their best utilization and produce a superior quality product at competitive price b it ma
in the plant with low cost of production low capital expenses less man power less power consumption less ma
intenance low pollution etc c it is established on the basis of world class stateof the art and advanced terchnology 1 st time
in the cement
industrial history iii ma
intenance it is keenly tak
ing care of the ma
intenance at an utmost care and with high efficiency us
ing the modern dry process with preheater and precalc
iner it ensures the trouble free operation with less ma
intenance and less use of man power through the day and year iv our product ranges we are manufactur
ing various grades of 1 ord
inary portland cements opc a 43 grade and b 53 grade cement 2 2 portland pozzolana cement ppc 3 anti corrosive cement v other details a 8 kms from tumkur ma
in road b m
ine optimization programme c bulk material analyzer at feed belt conveyer from crusher to stacker reclaimer d on l
ine analyzer for coal feed
ing to calc
iner/lime analyzer e weigh feeders for raw mill f practicle analyzer g six stage preheater h fuzzy logic system i controlled process gas flow j facility to control stop/start system for economical production k 4 nosof pack
ing plant l raw mill operated at 600 tpa and will be optimized to 850 tpa m all raw material available near by places 6 plan to establish a power station with an output of 50 mw 7 the plant is situat
in the area of more than 800 acres 8 more than 2000 acres as a m
ining area 9 there is a huge deposit of lime stone reserves there 10 the company have got the permission of area of 10000 acres 11 the current utilization is up to 800 acres 12 for lease basis equal 2000 acres 13 for burn
ing fuel coal is available from near by collieries 14 it is a privately owned public ltd company with all shares controlled by the promoters and his family 1 cash flow f
ing activities 2 profit and loss a/c details 3 share capital details 4 loan and other f
inancial details 5 source of fund etc etc will be given at the time of meet